How to Tell if Someone Read Your Message on Messenger

In some apps, you can turn off the read receipt pick but in Facebook Messenger such an option is not bachelor. It has different icons to run across the status of a message.

Such every bit a blue circle indicates that your message is being sent, and when the message is successfully sent, a tick on the blue circle volition be shown. A filled-in bluish circle means that the message has been delivered and a small contour motion-picture show of the receiver in the circle indicates that the message has been seen.

facebook messages different status

But and so many people hate this feature of Messenger since they want to read the bulletin without giving whatsoever data to the sender. There tin can exist then many reasons to ignore a bulletin from whatever person. Anyhow, this article will tell you nigh a few essential tips about how to read facebook messages without seen.

  • How to Read Facebook Messages Without Seen?
    • Tip one: Read Facebook Letters from App Notification

    • Tip 2: Enable Airplane Mode

    • Tip iii: Use Tertiary-Party Plug-Ins

  • Bonus: How to Read Facebook Messages without Knowing(100% Undetectable)

How to Read Facebook Letters Without Seen?

Tip 1: Read Facebook Messages from App Notification

Facebook Messenger has an option of Push Notification that sends the message to your notification bar each time yous receive a message. This means that the message has already been stored on your phone memory whether you read it or not.

Those users who have already turned on the app notification for Messenger will be able to see the bulletin on their phone"s notification screen. This characteristic is the best way to read facebook messages without seen since yous can encounter what the message is and who has sent it to you without opening the Messenger app.

read message notification

Although this fob is but applicable if you want to read ane user'due south message, it does not seem effective when yous start receiving a large number of messages at the same fourth dimension from different users. At this point, you would accept no other selection other than opening the Messenger app and reading them i by 1.

The notification screen can only hold a certain number of letters, and multiple letters usually push the older messages out of the screen.

Tip 2: Enable Aeroplane Mode

Equally discussed above, the message sent by a user whom you lot wish to ignore is already stored on your device. Now, in gild to read that bulletin without the user knowing, y'all can try out this another way to know cheque facebook message without seen.

This is past enabling the Airplane Mode feature on your device since the Messenger app needs internet to update itself and send new data to the user and Airplane Mode blocks all the path of Messenger to connect to the Net. In one case you lot receive whatever message, turn the Plane Mode on and open up the Messenger app to read all messages.

airplane moden

Once y'all are done, you can disable the Airplane Mode to resume the normal performance of your telephone. This flim-flam is pretty constructive to read a message without informing the sender.

Y'all can read everything the sender sent, but they will never have any thought nigh you reading information technology. Also, on their screen, your read receipt will never exist shown even until you turned off the Airplane Fashion and connect your device to the Internet once more.

Tip 3: Use Third-Party Plug-Ins

If you are using a laptop or desktop to read Facebook letters, so it might exist catchy to know how to see messages without seen.

First, let us know how nosotros can perform this in Google Chrome.

Footstep 1. Open a new tab and click on the "Apps" icon, now you will exist able to access the Chrome Web Shop.

Step ii. Search for the "Unseen" extension in the Chrome Web Shop and on finding it, click on the "Add to Chrome" pick to install this extension file to your browser.

chrome unseen addon

By availing this feature yous volition be able to read all your Facebook messages using Chrome Web Browser since it automatically blocks read receipt. Not only "Unseen", but at that place are also some similar applications that provide this characteristic on Chrome Web Browser.

If yous use the Firefox browser for spider web surfing, you need an "Add-on" to perform this task.

Stride one. Select the "Add together-ons" option from the Menu of the Firefox browser appearing at the bottom of the browser window.

Step 2. Now search for the "Message Seen Disable" application and click the "Install" or "Add to Firefox" option.

firefox addon

This way you tin can know how to read facebook messages without showing seen.

Related Read: 3 Elementary Means to Meet Someone'south Facebook Activity

Bonus: How to Read Facebook Letters without Knowing

Some third-party spying applications have strong social media monitoring feature through which you tin can read Facebook messages without the sender knowing. Since there are plenty of such spying apps available on the internet, finding the right one can sure be a hassle.

Afterwards careful selection, we've institute the best app out of all the bachelor ones is KidsGuard Pro.

This app is highly constructive in spying or monitoring a target telephone's social media activities. By using its online portal, you tin can check Facebook messages besides equally read other chat history without letting the target user know since this app stays subconscious in the target device.

You can likewise install this app on your ain device and read Facebook messages without seen, as the collected messages are uploaded to KidsGuard Pro'southward server so it will never evidence the seen icon.

Only y'all simply utilise KidsGuard Pro for this purpose, information technology may be a scrap wasteful as this app also offers location tracking, SMS & calls tracking, keystroke recording and many other powerful features. Now, in terms of how KidsGuard Pro can see Facebok messages without knowing, yous can cheque the user guide below.

Steps Involved in Using KidsGuard Pro

Footstep 1. Click Monitor Now button below and skip to KidsGuard Pro'southward website. Create a KidsGuard Pro account from hither commencement.

Monitor Now View Demo

Step two. Afterward registration, login to your account and become to My Products page, click on Setup Guide push in the box of KidsGuard Pro for Android/KidsGuard Pro for iOS. And follow the instruction to download and install KidsGuard Pro. This step only needs to take 5 minutes.

my product

Pace three. When everything is done, from any other device, sign in to your account and admission the online dashboard to see the activities on the target telephone. You can select whatsoever of the apps which you wish to monitor from the left side of the screen, here, let'south click on Facebook or Messengers.

check facebook messages via kidsguard pro

Advantages of Using KidsGuard Pro Application

  • Y'all volition be able to spy on the messages, notifications, photos, and so many activities of a Facebook account.
  • This awarding works on stealth mode that allows you to read Facebook messages secretly without informing the sender.
  • The Facebook messages are uploaded in existent-time to its online portal.
  • The installation of KidsGuard Pro application is quite easy, and no professional noesis is required to employ this awarding.
  • Location tracking, WhatsApp monitoring and other such social media monitoring specifications are available in this application.

Monitor Now View Demo


There may be several reasons why you may non want the sender to know that y'all have seen their bulletin on Facebook messenger. The means mentioned above to know how to read FB letters without seen can be pretty helpful in such cases. If you lot do not want this but instead want to spy on the Facebook messages of a user, you really should resort to KidsGuard Pro application. It is a secure and trusted choice available on the internet to cheque Facebook messages without letting the sender know, and all the activities are done with optimum security and privacy.


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